The Rest Is Propaganda now available on mail order
The book I wrote with Steve Pottinger is now available to order from Southern's mail order department. It's shipping on 18th October and you can pre-order it now. We'll also be selling it at all the gigs of course.
Thanks to everyone who has already bought it, I'm really overwhelmed by all the good feedback. It really means a lot to me.
October 7th, 2010 - 17:23
went to see you all in Manchster, saw you in the 80s with Crass, was really moved by your cheeky smile but also that you are still angry. Sad that the songs still have so much relavence, we gotta keep fighting in whatever way you can. I work with kids living on the streets in latin america and uk, you save lives with the life boat, its all still political about helping other people survive. So hats off to you, thanks for ignighting my political flame ( you book made me laugh and cry in equal amounts.
To the cynics lets see what you have done, to the doubters well offer hope and to the gloomy bastards that contribute nothing well laugh in your face.
Love ( lets not shy away from the word) and thanks
October 8th, 2010 - 13:52
Dear Andy, Thanks for the lovely comments, hats off to you too. Lots of love
October 11th, 2010 - 16:28
I meant to send you this message a couple of weeks ago. I sincerely hope that you ENJOY every second of this Last Supper Tour mate. I hope you have the comforts of the hotel rooms that you denied yourself with Crass. More than anything else, I hope that you make yourself a few bob because you earned it. The hours you’ve worked … Bloody Hard Too! … for the rewards you’ve reaped well, I’m fucking glad you’re not my boss ‘cos I couldn’t have kept that up for 5 weeks, let alone 5 years.
There will be the Anarchy Police and Punk elite who will feel the need to have their say; I hope that you don’t take any negative feedback to heart because I promise you from the bottom of my cold, black, heart that what you gave us in those 5 short years are alive and well; and still form the basis of decisions that are being made 30+ years later.
I sold out. I became a physicist and eventually ended up in management. If it hadn’t been for those words written between 1977 and 1984, however, I might have taken some very different decisions. When I was asked to make redundancies, I refused. I said, let’s get more work in so everybody can stay employed. I didn’t get my way every time, but I’ve never said “Yes Sir, I Will” (which was fucking dreadful aside from track 4 by the way … thanks for not playing it from start to finish during the Last Supper) – I wanted you to know that YOUR WORDS have penetrated into areas of the corporate world and family life, beyond the limits that I think you are aware.
So … enjoy the gigs. Live comfortably afterwards. Have some beers. Pocket some pension.
October 12th, 2010 - 22:33
Thank you, for your support Gav. I am really enjoying it, I think everyone that has come along enjoyed it as well. The songs written then are still having the power today. I am now looking forward to taking The Last Supper to Europe.
October 11th, 2010 - 23:37
seen you at brum a couple of weeks ago. the good old anarcho days reunited. loved the book ste. reminded me of myself with my childhood, always bunking off an in the park it made me cry in some bits cuz it just brought it home 2 me. can relate so much 2 what u been through! anyway chin up mate and peace and lots of love 2 all. crasstafari. ha love me jason.x.
October 12th, 2010 - 22:35
Thanks Jason. It is always good to know that you are not alone. Birmingham was a great night.
October 13th, 2010 - 15:15
Steve we’ve dropped messages on twitter and myspace but alas access isn’t great at work. If its possible can you add me on twitter costesseytiger so I can send you a direct message.
Cheers Craig
October 15th, 2010 - 14:01
Hi Steve from Turin, Italy.
My name is Carlo I am 46 and there is something I would like to ask you “face to face” but I am not a facebook guy nor twitter nor even myspace… I am not too social as you can see
Is there a way I can get in touch via simple easy and playn email?
mine is included in the form.
Thanx a bunch.
October 16th, 2010 - 01:22
Dear Steve,
I am still waiting for your book in the mail but I can already tell its going to be good. I’d like to Thank You and the other members of Crass. If it wasn’t for your inspiring words and philosophies I would still be the shattered dream I was 2 years ago. Your guidance has helped me become a better person and over come many of my fears. I hope you having a good time preforming the last supper. Maybe I’ll see you in MA,USA?
October 16th, 2010 - 22:29
Hi Steve,
just ordered your book via southern…can’t wait to read it !!!!!
October 19th, 2010 - 16:21
recieved the book today, with many thanks Steve….all the best to you and yours…..
October 19th, 2010 - 19:32
Steve – this might amuse you
October 22nd, 2010 - 22:14
Great book, well done, geezer… the bit about the lifeboats had me welling up… in a good way

Cracking show in A’dam last week as well… one of the best gigs I ever saw was you and conflict, billed as The Banned, at Sunderland Bunker in the 80s… you had your brass section then, don’t forget !
Take care, enjoy the rest of the tour and give Beki a hug from her uncle Pyley
Fanx for… for more than I could properly express !!