Help us find a new singer.
I would really appreciate anyone who can help us out by spreading the word on this. Please re-post, link, whatever.
Singer urgently needed. We are looking for a female singer to join The Last Supper tour. Unfortunately Beki has decided that she cannot continue to tour with us due to family commitments. We are absolutely gutted, but determined not to let this set-back get us down. So we are currently seeking a strong female vocalist who is capable of joining our little family, and of representing the Crass material with the heart and spirt it deserves (particularly the material from Penis Envy). She must be available for an immediate audition, plus rehearsals in London or Peterborough in January and February, and then for our USA/Canadian tour (3 weeks in March), Australia/NZ tour (3-4 weeks in April & May), possibly Japan or a few others during the summer, and our finale show in London late 2011. Obviously a clean passport/record will be required for visas etc. Interested parties should please submit the following to [email protected]: (1) one mp3 track featuring your vocals (2) short bio (3) photo (4) name, address, contact email & phone numbers (5) any links to extra music, info etc that you'd like us to consider.
December 11th, 2010 - 15:57
Just a suggestion for the U.S. visit –
December 11th, 2010 - 16:03
God, I loved 45 Grave back in the day. Unfortunately I think we need someone based in the UK (or happy to move here for a few months!) so they can rehearse with the band! Thanks though Darby.
December 11th, 2010 - 16:27
Have you asked Linz that used to be in Screech Rock? you can contact her through Trailer Tras on facebook…
December 11th, 2010 - 16:28
Trailer Trash ….
December 11th, 2010 - 16:47
Would you like to be connected to Stacy, who did that DIRT tour as “Dino”? Also please get in touch about any help I might be able to supply as per stage tech and such. Could be fun!
December 11th, 2010 - 17:59
How about Zillah Minx Steve?
December 11th, 2010 - 18:05
What about Honey bane?
December 11th, 2010 - 18:07 (Honey Bane)
December 11th, 2010 - 20:50
My wife Jae from our band (A).P.P.L.(E).!!!¬if_t=share_reply#!/pages/APPLE/116869205021536
Best choice hands down..
December 18th, 2010 - 04:31
hah! i was thinking the lady from a.p.p.l.e would be great!
December 11th, 2010 - 20:58
aw well I will throw my hat in the ring…
December 13th, 2010 - 04:23
I stronly recommend Honeybane. See more of her music at
December 13th, 2010 - 04:27
Can hear more of her at youtube … type in Honey Bane … not sure why the above link did not go directly to youtube.
December 13th, 2010 - 17:21
Maybe me, Texas Terri?
December 13th, 2010 - 17:23
Texas Terri of Texas Terri Bomb!… …
i’m a freind of Beki, Gizz, and Spike…I’m an american living in berlin…saw your berlin show…actually met you, steve, there….fantastic show!
December 13th, 2010 - 17:38
That’s a real shame, Beki was amazing
December 13th, 2010 - 20:08
Blowin in the wind by APPLE great cover. Jae would be a sound bet. But Beki will take some beating. Does Eve not fancy a return.
December 14th, 2010 - 01:00
I’m your girl!
I’ve wanted to front a Crass-like punk band even since I went to prison for attacking porn shops and the amerikan military complex back in the early 80s.
in the months leading up to my imprisonment I penned the lyrics to one of the best punk anthems that came out of the vancouver (canada) punk scene called “Nothing New” for NO EXIT but that was completely ignored when the local scene turned its back on me. anyways, so after languishing with a lot of other tortured women in prison for six and half years. I picked myself up by my bootstraps and emerged to make art films about them. I’ve made several short films about women in prison that have garnered several awards and took me to film festivals throughout europe.
over the last decade I somehow mellowed-out enough to work in the motion picture industry as a camera woman but my talent as a singer/story teller is still itching to bust lose with future generations of womyn!
there’s one hitch though… although I have a visa and have never been in legal trouble for 28 years, I doubt the US will allow me in to tour. I just don’t know…? I know Canada and Europe are no problem for me, but the US is going to be an uphill battle… anyone got any ideas…? even a little encouragement will do
December 18th, 2010 - 13:27
Juliet please get in touch with me at [email protected]. Thanks. Allison
December 14th, 2010 - 04:30
colin jerwood in drag ??? LOL
December 17th, 2010 - 05:48
this is so fucking cool. If I can get my shit together, I’m going to email you soon.
December 17th, 2010 - 20:02
Wow gutted for ya mate.Hope you get someone real soon.Good luck.
December 17th, 2010 - 22:26
Avril Lavigne
December 18th, 2010 - 09:52
my mate sally fronts a punk band in france – she is just moving back to England – they and she are really good
December 18th, 2010 - 17:08
@ juliet if you are officially invited by record company/ promoter or something similar You stand a good chance of getting a visa I have friends/colleagues who have various form and because they were backline techs with known bands they got their Visas so go girl go IOf i thought i could sing i would do it my self good luck in your Future and everything Let the truth be Miriam
December 25th, 2010 - 03:33
… sending you some love, Miriam xxoo
December 22nd, 2010 - 12:59
Stacy from MANKIND?/DIRT!/profile.php?id=827189378
December 22nd, 2010 - 18:20
I wish. Good luck! It’ll be fabulous!!
December 29th, 2010 - 08:26
theres a woman who did a cover of a track from penis envy but i forget her name,asked my mate who knows her to pass this link on for her,btw,her vocals were cracking,really powerfull.hope you get sorted mate.
good luck.
January 4th, 2011 - 15:10
Hi Steve,
Are you still in need of a singer for the tour? A friend just forwarded a link to this post, I’ve sent you an email.
January 7th, 2011 - 15:52
is that carol cammillas friend?i passed on this to jo to tell cammilla to tell you so i hope you get the gig,if you do please get me a tee shirt and a signed set list pretty please.
January 10th, 2011 - 04:19
for what it’s worth… I think Bronwen ‘Little Eris’ Davies from Aberdare Wales is an outstanding girl – not just as an amazing versatile singer with feeling – but as a human being – true, real, aware, beautiful soul. I don’t think you’ll find better. best tw x
January 15th, 2011 - 19:52
Hi this is Jae Monroe…I know I missed out on the audition earlier this month but was wondering if you found someone yet and if not if you’d like to give me another shot. I’ve been practising anyway and am sick to death that I had family issues that got in the way of me getting my plane tix and passort renewed in time. I’d be thrilled to join you guys on stage whenever & wherever. If not having me as your female singer, how about having (A).P.P.L.(E). on some of the shows with ya? We are down & ready to go anywhere, anytime. I love you Steve and want to give a big thanks for all your hard work throughout the years. Tell Allison I said hello and thanks to her as well for her time and interest. It really means alot to me that you guys wanted me down and it’s killing me that I didn’t make it in time. KILLING ME!!!!
Anyways when ya come to NYC let’s at least get together and blow some second hand smoke at passersby! LOL Peace out, Jae Monroe
January 15th, 2011 - 19:54
Hi this is Jae Monroe…I know I missed out on the audition earlier this month but was wondering if you found someone yet and if not if you’d like to give me another shot. I’d be thrilled to join you guys on stage whenever & wherever. If not having me as your female singer, how about having (A).P.P.L.(E). on some of the shows with ya? We are down & ready to go anywhere, anytime. Tell Allison I said hello and thanks to her as well for her time and interest. It really means alot to me that you guys wanted me down and it’s killing me that I didn’t make it in time. KILLING ME!!!!
Anyways when ya come to NYC let’s at least get together and blow some second hand smoke at passersby! LOL Peace out, Jae Monroe
January 20th, 2011 - 01:20
Sorry Jae that you couldn’t make it for the auditions, but family comes first. We had a great response and Carol is going to be our new singer.
I’ll see you at the gig.