Look out we’re coming!
At last!! We all got our visas confirmed yesyerday so the tour is back on. We had to go to the American Embassy at 8 in the morning to be asked such searching questions like 'what do you do in the band?' and 'have you been to the states before?' But the best was when I was asked 'have you seen Leone?' I said no, who's Leone - the question was in fact have you ever been to Sierra Leone. Carol got asked if she'd ever been to Toga. All this fuss for that. Ah well at least we've got the bloody things now and it looks like we'll over your side in April. Thanks for you patience and support, I know a lot of you lost money and stuff over this, again I'm really sorry about that, I'll try and make it up by doing the best fucking sets I can. Bring it on!
Here are the rescheduled dates
April 20 Brooklyn, NY @ Europa
April 21 Montreal, QC @ Club Soda - SOLD OUT
April 22 Toronto, ON @ Opera House
April 23 Chicago, IL @ Bottom Lounge
April 26 Seattle, WA @ Neumo's
April 27 San Francisco, CA @ Slim's
April 29 Pomona, CA @ Fox Theater
April 30 Pomona, CA @ Glasshouse
May 3 Austin, TX @ Emo's
May 6 Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade
May 7 Baltimore, MD @ Sonar
May 8 New York, NY @ Santo's - SOLD OUT
March 19th, 2011 - 21:46
Can not wait to see you all here! Always dreamed of seeing you live but never thought it would happen… We’ll see you in San Francisco and Pomona 2x. Can not wait!!
March 20th, 2011 - 04:04
Glad you got things sorted out and sorry to hear about the crap you had to go through. Looking forward to the show mate. I was unable to catch you at Santos because it was sold out, but I was given another chance to see you!! I’ll catch you in Brooklyn.
March 21st, 2011 - 01:57
great to hear! so the dates listed in the previous post are correct then?
March 21st, 2011 - 18:41
2 cities in Canada only? Bummer. Your missing the heart land of North America by passing the great plains.
March 21st, 2011 - 21:59
They’re allowing you into the US? Tsk tsk tsk, security must be slipping
Good luck!
March 21st, 2011 - 22:53
Hey Steve. We would love to do a Philly date now that everything is worked out with the wonderful customs people. Anyway we could set something up?
March 23rd, 2011 - 15:22
yo could sell out in tampa too
March 23rd, 2011 - 20:40
March 24th, 2011 - 14:57
See you in Toronto!